Wednesday, May 1, 2013

VAMPIRE! Sort Of....

"I WANT GRILLED TERYAKI CHICKEN AND I WANT IT NOW!!! and some rice and broccoli stir fry... "
Yep... that's the text message I just sent my husband. Lendel thinks it's funny.... I think it's miserable. For those of you who have read the Twilight series, you will understand this comparison, but those who haven't: don't judge me I was in high school when I read them! I feel like the vampires do when they describe how it is to first be turned into a vampire. It's described as a "burning" feeling in your throat that just can't be satisfied! Having an intense craving when pregnant feels like if you don't get that food item right at the moment, you could probably punch a hole in a cinder block wall. So.... I feel like a vampire. Except I don't want blood (eww) and I could easily drive down the road to Panda Express, but I'm too lazy to do that (also due to pregnancy).

I think it's safe to say I'm reaching that "Oh man please just hurry up and get out of me...but not too soon because you wouldn't be ready and I would be scared for you...but as soon as possible!" phase of pregnancy. This whole time I have received numerous compliments on how I don't look "as pregnant" as I really am. Honestly, I have loved it! What waddling pregnant woman wouldn't love being told she looked small? Especially when sitting in a small bathtub makes you feel like a hippo... However, the last few days, I have received at least 4 comments along the lines of, "Wow Nicole! You've gotten a lot bigger!" Granted I'm not offended, but I really did enjoy the "small" comments. It's like this little baby is saying, "Ha Mom! You just thought I was going to play nice! But now I'm going to sit in a position that makes you look gigantic and put extra pressure on your sciatic nerve!" What a punk... good thing I love him.

Only 6 more weeks!

1 comment:

  1. Oh how I remember that exact phase of pregnancy! I hated when people told me how small I was. Putting almost 40 lbs on my little frame is ANYTHING but SMALL! I think you're carrying your baby perfectly. You're no hippo, that's for sure. :)
